O Canada!

News Coverage

Read time: 2 minutes

We have very exciting news.

Bell, Canada’s largest communications company, today announced the availability of its new Whole Home Wi-Fi service: Bell.ca/WholeHomeWiFi.

It’s an industry first, it’s fast, it leaves no room behind, it’s adaptive, and it’s an unbelievable bargain.

And, yes — it’s powered by Plume!

We believe this initiative by Bell is a watershed event. This is the first time a top tier ISP has rolled out a large-scale Whole-Home Wi-Fi offering the way it should be delivered: as a cloud-managed Service.

No need to worry about which hardware to buy, how to configure it — Pod hardware is included. And it auto-discovers and connects to your Wi-Fi that comes with your Bell modem.

No need to worry about where to put them — the Pod concept is drop dead simple. Plug them in every room, just like light bulbs. You can also think of your super-duper Bell modem as a fire hose, and the Pods as sprinklers. We developed fancy algorithms to make sure the fire hose and the sprinklers are well coordinated.

No need to worry about whether it is secure or up-to-date — the service is live, self-monitoring, self-learning, self-updating. Cloud based control means firmware and auto-updates while you sleep.

No need to worry about cost — for less than what most people spend on a cappuccino before 9am every day, you get the world’s only self optimizing, adaptive Wi-Fi in every nook and cranny of your home consistently and reliably for an entire month — come on! Let’s hope all those expensive, retail mesh Wi-Fi systems are recyclable in Canada.

One more thing — the guy who quarterbacked this whole effort at Bell, Shawn Omstead who oversees their residential products — promised me at the beginning of our engagement, that Bell would be a perfect partner for Plume to help disrupt the industry together. Bell delivered. We at Plume are incredibly thankful and grateful to be a part of this initiative. The Canadian consumers are the ultimate winners. And this is just the beginning of an exciting journey for Bell and Plume.

Many of you have been writing and calling about when Plume would be in Canada. Well, Plume is now in Canada. We could offer you Plume directly, but it’s a much better deal through Bell. If you’re in Bell’s territory, you’re all set. If you live outside of Bell’s territory, no worries… stay tuned.

Thanks to all for your continued support.

